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Hot Science 2: Shale gas fracking: Global problem or a global solution?
    Friday July 13, 2012 10:45am - 12:15pm @ Wicklow Meeting Room 1

    The extraction of shale gas is the subject of global debate, with many concerned over potential risks associated with the process. Very little is known about the geological, environmental and health impacts. The scientific and engineering communities are starting to contribute to the debate on the future of shale gas extraction.


    Fracking is not new, but the method has recently spread across the globe. Many nations view it as a replacement to traditional fossil fuels, or a means to avoid relying on others for their fuel needs.


     The Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK have launched a review into the geological, environmental and technical risks associated with hydraulic fracturing, and the National Academy of Sciences has hosted workshops on the public health impacts, with a report into the seismicity imminent.


    The debate is not driven by science, but by the spread of the practice, particularly into populated areas, but science is responding. This session will explore the issues that are arising. 


    Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

    Freelance science journalist

    Professor in Applied and Environmental Geophysics, Keele University...

    University of Strathclyde, UK

    Type Events, Science Programme
    Host Organization Nature Publishing Group
  • Organiser Ruth Francis

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