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Africa & Europe Partnership Symposium: Science for Economic Development
    Saturday July 14, 2012 10:45am - 12:45pm @ Auditorium

    In the 21st century, Africa and Europe have moved into a new relationship, with the 54 states in Africa and the 50 in Europe each responsible for their own social and economic development.  Sharing experience in the progress and use of science, and in delivering its benefits to society, are a common goal.

    This symposium will be chaired by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, with a distinguished record of promoting science for development at a global level.  Ministers of Science from South Africa, Mozambique and Rwanda will draw on their experience in diverse political and economic environments, and the Director General of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation programmes will also speak.

    The focus will be on lessons learned, and on opportunities and mechanisms for effective cooperation.

    Head Science-policy, UNESCO (fmr. Minister for Science, Moza...

    Minister of Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa...

    Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt

    Director General, Research and Innovation, European Commissi...

    Director, TWAS, Italy (fmr. Minister for Science, Rwanda...

    Type Partnership Symposia
    Host Organization ESOF2012
  • Organiser Patrick Cunningham
  • Tags PS3

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