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The Invention Convention
    Thursday July 12, 2012 1:15pm - 2:45pm @ Wicklow Hall 2B

    The Science to Business Programme at ESOF 2012 provides an unique opportunity for participants to showcase creative excellence and ground breaking innovation at the 'Invention Convention', the first of its kind at such a conference. It is a competitive opportunity for 15 people (professionals, innovators, entrepreneurs, Masters students, PhD candidates or Post Docs) to stand on a platform and pitch their innovation in 3 minutes to a panel of distinguished judges comprising of experts from both the academic and business sectors.


    The objective of this session is to give delegates with wonderfully creative minds from across the world the opportunity to showcase their innovation and for their work to be recognised as a ground breaking innovation at Europe’s largest General Science conference. There are significant prizes available to the winners and outside of the session itself, the 15 finalists will get an opportunity to meet with a select group of successful entrepreneurs and business angels to discuss ways of commercialising their innovation. This will not only provide a platform for future mentoring but it will also introduce innovators to potential investors.

    Type Science-2-Business
    Host Organization ESOF2012
  • Organiser Ciara Backwell; Raomal Perera
  • Tags BP15

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