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How to get a job in industry: straight-talking from leading research managers
    Saturday July 14, 2012 8:00am - 9:30am @ Liffey Hall 1

    As work becomes increasingly more global and the pace of change drives greater levels of innovation, the need for employers to find people with the right technical skills, who can adapt to the competitive landscape and work on an international level across cultures and time zones becomes critical to the success of the individual businesses. Representatives from some of Ireland’s leading technology companies will describe what they are looking for when it comes to hiring college graduates in today’s business climate. These representatives will come from large multinational companies and small to medium size enterprises, as well as from representatives who have worked both in academia and industry.


    The session will begin with 4*10 minute presentations ( verbal only) from each of the panellists outlining their companies/organisations and describing what they would be looking for in a candidate. The final 40 minutes of a ‘fish bowl’  session will be used to do 3 mock-up interviews, on stage, with some brave candidates selected ahead of time and the speakers acting as an interview panel. Each of the students will be asked a question from 3 of the panellists, with the 4th panellist providing input on how the interview went. The interviewee will get some brief feedback from the panel post the interview.


    Chemistry Undergraduate, University College Dublin

    Lab Director, IBM Research Ireland   Lisa Amini is a Distinguished...

    Founder and CEO of Innopharma Group, IrelandProfessor Ian Jones...

    Research and New Business Development, Director, Intel Irel...

    Biochemistry Undergraduate, University College Dublin

    Vice-President for Research, University of Limerick, Ireland...

    Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, SolarPrint, Ireland

    Science Undergraduate, University College Dublin

    Type Careers Programme, The Diversity of Careers for Researchers
    Host Organization Intel Ireland
  • Organiser Leonard Hobbs
  • Tags CP8

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