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Revealing the past: remote sensing techniques in archaeology
    Saturday July 14, 2012 4:00pm - 5:30pm @ Wicklow Meeting Room 1

    Archaeological air photography has now been joined by satellite imagery, airborne laser scanning and a variety of airborne and ground-based survey techniques known jointly as 'remote sensing', since they explore what is on or beneath the earth or ocean without disturbing its surface or damaging what lies below.

    These new technologies have had a dramatic impact illustrating to the general public the character and importance of heritage sites and of the evolving landscapes within which they lie. Improved public understanding and appreciation of these visual and material links with the past can lead to greater enjoyment and interest in such sites, advancing the case for heritage conservation and the continuing enjoyment for future generations. This session aims to highlight the interdisciplinary range of techniques available and specifically illustrate the most recent developments in this field.

    The Discovery Programme, Ireland

    Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute...

    Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart...

    The Discovery Programme, Ireland

    Type Science Programme, Science & Culture
    Host Organization The Discovery Programme
  • Organiser Anthony Corns
  • Tags SP71

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